🔴 How to Overcome Price Objections— AMA Marathon

How to charge more & overcome client price objections. Chris do answers your questions and gives you the tips and strategies for handling client negotiations in selling design.


00:30 A dollar amount without context seems expensive
02:15 How to address a client price objection
03:04 Make sure the client feels heard
09:12 Q: How do I not sound too salesy and interested in the money?
14:11 Show them the value: A client only buys if they are getting more value than what they pay you.
15:11 Q: How do you write a proposal for more money, when you are bidding on a design marketplace?
18:10 Roleplay – Marketplace Logo Bid Price Objection
22:59 Q: Upwork and Fiverr makes my work cheaper, but how do I make a living freelancing?
24:03 How to you get initial logo design work
28:04 Q: How do I get clients internationally at higher rates?
31:31 Q: What do you do when you screw up on a job?
32:44 Q: I’m working for someone who knows I’m good, but wants me to work at lower friend rates
34:44 Q: How do I switch my design pricing per hour to a fixed rate?
36:50 Q: Should I focus on 3d modeling or UI/UX?
39:36 Q: we sent a proposal to a client about the budget and they said they were strapped for cash, what should I do?
40:50 Q: What crucial information should you put in a proposal?
42:41 Q: How do I choose a good agency to work for out of school?
46:50 Q: What obstacles are there for working as a foreigner in the design market?
48:40 Q: My client wants to negotiate my price down because I am a student.
52:00 Q: How do you finesse higher paying clients?
54:21 Q: Do you charge differently based on your agency office size?
57:33 Q: How do you not sound wishy-washy/evasive with price without giving an exact estimate
59:38 Q: I helped my client when a grant. How do I convince them to use the budget for more compelling work?
1:04:00 Q: How do I quit my day job, and transition into a full-time freelancer?
1:08:51 Q: How do you overcome a fear of public speaking?
1:13:11 Q: How do you negotiate price based on value as a product designer?
1:20:18 Q: I charge 1500-3000 for motion design jobs, should I lower my rate?
1:27:30 Q: Do you have any workshops on selling and presentation?
1:31:37 Look for someone to model yourself after


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Executive Producer– Chris Do
Host– Chris Do
Director– Aaron Szekely
Cinematography– Aaron Szekely, Mark Contreras
Editor– Aaron Szekely
Futur Theme Music – Adam Sanborne http://www.adamsanborne.com
Annotations & SEO – Isaiah Nwukor
Typefaces: Futura, Din
Futur theme song— Adam Sanborne


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