Smart Cities need Smarter Design Education | Sushant Verma | TEDxGurugram

On a multi-institutional level, good design and proper design education have not been able to catch up with the rate of technological advancements. The few and far between examples of excellent design serve to remind us of the change that is yet to take place. The importance of design, whether it be as a facilitator of solutions for sustainable practices or as a factor in promoting innovation, finds itself downplayed in an environment that does not heed its role as a transformative agent. Sushant Verma elucidates on the reasons why we’re struggling, the nature of the problem itself, and what we need to do, to foster a strong design culture based on solid skills, knowledge and computational technologies.

​Sushant Verma (M.Arch. Em.Tech. – AA London, B.Arch. SSAA New Delhi, MCoA India) is an architect & computational designer, currently leading the research organization rat[LAB] – Research in Architecture & Technology. Former architect at Zaha Hadid Architects, London, and a Senior Editor at Arch2O, he has held teaching positions at a number of universities internationally, and is involved in education for computation & parametric design. He is the founder of rat[LAB] EDUCATION, which is an independent initiative to spread the idea of computation in design profession & education in India. Recipient of the MAK Schindler Award from Vienna/Los Angeles and a finalist for the AIA Emerging Leaders Fellowship from Chicago, his work has been widely published and exhibited across the globe in cities including London, Los Angeles, New York, Tokyo, San Francisco, Taipei and New Delhi.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community.

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