Kaputt / Broken – The Women’s Prison at Hoheneck | Trailer

Doc Fortnight 2017
February 16, 2017–February 26, 2017
Get tickets here! http://mo.ma/2ktI67A

Doc Fortnight, MoMA’s annual international festival of nonfiction film, returns with 10 days of important new discoveries in documentary cinema. Featuring recent films by emerging and established artists—many of whom will introduce their work in person—the festival offers fresh ways of considering the world around us in a time of increasing political uncertainty.

Gabriele Stötzer and Birgit Willschütz were political inmates at Hoheneck Castle, the most notorious women’s prison in East Germany. Their story is one of overcrowded cells, despotic hierarchies, ruthless everydays, and the enduring effects of incarceration. Most of all, however, it is about the crushing pressure of forced labour. Prisoners at Hoheneck manufactured millions of pantyhose, bed sheets, and other products for West German retailers, bringing enormous profits to both sides of the Iron Curtain.

Part of the young animadoc tradition, the seven-minute film pairs original audio interview extracts with abstract, monochrome animation.

Direction: Volker Schlecht and Alexander Lahl
Animation and design: Volker Schlecht
Sound and music: Hannes Schulze
Interviews with: Birgit Willschuetz and Gabriele Stoetzer

Funded by the Federal Foundation for the Study of the Communist dictatorship in Eastern Germany and by the Saxon Memorial Foundation.

Website: facebook.com/kaputbroken


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