DigitalFUTURES Online Workshops 2024 | Computer vision and Text analysis for parametric design

Computer vision and Text analysis for parametric design

Instructors: Jose Luis Reategui, Lucia Guzman., Pilar Flores

July 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

Today, the use of artificial intelligence in design has significantly evolved, incorporating generative systems and advanced 3D point transformation techniques. In this workshop, we will focus on building a solid knowledge base that enables the operation of AI engines tailored to specific design needs. We will transform the outcomes of using computer vision and text analysis engines into parameters that integrate with parametric developments, exploring ways to complement the designs generated by these two engines with a third engine, forecasting, to propose data-driven future scenarios. This way, we not only optimize the design processes but also establish a connection between digital creativity and data-informed forecasting.


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