Digital FUTURES Tutorial / Spanish: Meta Wellness for a perfect metaverse.

Digital FUTURES Tutorial / Spanish: Meta Wellness for a perfect metaverse.
23 Septiembre 6:00pm EST / 10:00 pm CET / 5:00 pm GMT-5

Register in Advance
Recommended: Registration 24 hours before the event. LIMITED SEATS. (100 max)

El metaverso es un mundo digital que nos permite explorar nuevos entornos que no podrĂ­amos explorar en el mundo real. ¿CĂ³mo diseñamos estos mundos virtuales? Debido a una variedad de causas sociales, incluida la pandemia, la creaciĂ³n de un metaverso para el bienestar es inevitable, en donde gracias a las nuevas tecnologĂ­as se pueda involucrar e impactar considerablemente mejor, la vida y salud mental de muchas personas.

El taller sienta las bases principales para la creaciĂ³n de un mundo digital dentro del metaverso, en donde con paisajes hermosos y elementos vaporwave, habrĂ¡ como resultado un espacio con un enfoque para el bienestar.

Los estudiantes podrĂ¡n trabajar sus habilidades creativas personalizando su espacio ideal y a su vez, aprender sobre distintos programas y plataformas del metaverso, acercĂ¡ndose a una experiencia Ăºnica.


The metaverse is a digital world that allows us to explore new environments that we couldn’t explore in the real world. How do we design these virtual worlds? Due to a variety of social causes, including the pandemic, the creation of a metaverse for well-being is inevitable, where, thanks to new technologies, the lives and mental health of many people can be considerably better involved and impacted.

The workshop lays the main foundations for the creation of a digital world within the metaverse, where with beautiful landscapes and vaporwave elements, a space with a focus on well-being will result.

Students will put their creative skills to work customizing their ideal space while learning about different programs and platforms from the metaverse, coming closer to a unique experience.

Tutor: Elizabeth Frias (@elicolds)
Softwares: Rhinoceros y Blendder
Language: Spanish
Level: Intermediate

#education #tutorial #metaverse #architecture


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