David Benjamin: The black box (October 25, 2017)

Marcelyn Gow introduces David Benjamin, principal of The Living. Benjamin characterizes his approach as based on the premise that buildings can be living, breathing organisms, and might be understood as a loops interconnected in a larger ecosystem. He proposes to discuss The Living’s work under three categories: Research, Books and Buildings.

Benjamin discusses in detail three kinds of research projects. Under the category Bio Computing, the Bionic Partition Project, in collaboration with Airbus, Autodesk, and APWorks; under Bio Sensing, the Pier 35 EcoPark project in New York City; under Bio Manufacturing, the Hy-Fi biological building material, for MOMA / P.S. 1 (2014)

Benjamin discusses two upcoming book projects: Embodied Energy and Design: making architecture between metrics and narratives (Lars MĂĽller, 2017), and Now We See Now: generative architecture and research by The Living (Monacelli Press, 2018).

Benjamin stresses that The Living is committed to building, demonstrated by two recent projects: the new office for Autodesk @ MaRS Innovation District, Toronto (2017), and the Embodied Computation Lab, Princeton University (2017).


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