DigitalFUTURES Talk: New Hybridities – Middle Eastern Minds

This panel brings together a group of young frontiers of Computational Design from the Middle East. They are designers, architects, researchers and creative technologists from a range of backgrounds, who will be sharing with us their unique journeys in the field, their projects and research, what inspires them, and the influence of the region’s culture on them. Through their presentations and discussions we will be inquiring into the ways in which design meaning, intentions and process can be constructed through computational thinking, representing, sensing, and making. These Middle Eastern minds will walk us through a plethora of research topics including robotic fabrication, wearables, interactive design, digital and material explorations, design in space, and self-assembling design systems.

Presentations by: Ava Aghakouchak, Basant Elshimy, Heba Eiz, Mohamad Al Chawa, Norhan Tarek, Sally Al-Badry, Sarah Mokhtar, Sulaiman Al Othman.

Moderated by: Aya Riad


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