Tune in with UI/UX Designer Erick Su on Adobe Live as he redesigns the web experience for R&R BBQ using Adobe XD! This week Erick will share protips for building a portfolio ready case study.
Erick Su is a UI/UX Designer living and working in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Join us LIVE on Behance: https://www.behance.net/adobelive
Check out part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q4B91Y3S2Q
Recap: 5:30
Auto-animate prototyping: 9:00
Adobe Rush: 16:30
Laying out a Behance case study: 21:00
Adobe Fonts: 23:15
Embedding media: 25:00
Shortcut for Exporting: 52:30
Designing for mobile: 1:17:00
Mobile testing: 1:32:30
Stark plugin: 1:46:30
Behance: https://www.behance.net/ErickSu