Designing a News App with Kate Kassab – 2 of 2

Join visual designer Kate Kassab on Adobe Live as she designs a social app to share good news using Adobe XD! Stay tuned as Kate shows off some of XDā€™s newest features while sharing best practices for collaborating with other designers and developers.

Guest Kate Kassab is a Visual Designer based in San Diego, CA:

Host Howard Pinsky is a Senior Adobe XD Evangelist based in Los Angeles, CA.
Join us LIVE on Behance:

00:00 Start
05:20 Kateā€™s intro & project overview
13:00 Using
18:50 Using colors wisely
20:20 Kateā€™s experience background
32:00 Multiple flows feature
36:00 sharing design review links for the projects
40:00 Marked Versions
01:12:00 Creating buttons
01:42:50 Using Flows


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