🔴 How To Teach What You Know

How can you teach others what you know to build a social media following? Why should you teach others? What is in it for you? How do you break down what you do intuitively? This is a discussion about teaching frameworks and how you can teach anyone anything.

Are you really passionate about design, lettering, editing, reading, photography, painting, cinematography, etc…? Do you have a hobby, sport, activity that you love to do? How can you take what you already know, break it down into bite sized pieces, and turn that into educational content?

One of the best teachers I had at Art Center, Roland Young, laying down the law to this group of students.

02:29 Session with Mark: Breaking down the process of An Independent Videographer [Pre-production, Story, Cinematography, Post-Production (editing, sound design, color correction)]
10:32 We’re looking for the room in the process to teach people what mark has learned.
12:30 Sequential Design Storyboarding Example: If you want to know me, you must know my story.
17:45 How to visually display pensive/thinking.
21:10 Think back to moments that stick back in your childhood to trigger emotional responses.
26:58 We are mind mapping the main things that you need to learn for videography
29:15 Q: Why should you share what you do? Aren’t your trade secrets your competitive advantage?
32:00 This is not a zero sum game, let’s stop hoarding information.
32:25 Do people teach the way you teach? Do you teach differently online versus in a classroom? – The Socratic method
38:44 Humans are preconditioned to be sold to, so we look for a catch. Stay the course and deliver value. Filter out the reviews.
41:25 What makes a creator great is their vulnerability.
42:20 Photography Breakdown Example: Urban Run & Gun
59:30 Bonus: How to design a sandwich
1:01:34 Designing the Futur of Education
1:03:50 Q: Everything has been done already, how do I find that nuanced cool thing to teach?

Book References

Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art – Scott McCloud

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Executive Producer– Chris Do
Host– Chris Do w/ Molly Drill, Aaron Szekely and Mark Contreras
Director– Aaron Szekely
Cinematography– Aaron Szekely, Mark Contreras
Editor– Aaron Szekely
Show Open– Roy Kang
Futur Theme Music – Adam Sanborne http://www.adamsanborne.com
Annotations & SEO – Isaiah Nwukor
Typefaces: Futura, Din
Futur theme song— Adam Sanborne


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