This book cover won't open for judgmental readers

In this movie, Amsterdam creative studio Moore has reversed the well-known idiom of judging a book by its cover – designing a sleeve that scans your face and won’t open unless approached without prejudice.

‘The Cover That Judges You’ has an integrated camera and facial-recognition technology that scans the face of whoever approaches. If the awaiting reader shows too much emotion – either overexcitement or under-enthusiasm – the book will remain locked. Only when pulling a neutral expression will the scanner allow an Arduino micro-controller to unbolt the lock and let the user browse inside.

“Our aim was to create a book cover that is human and approachable-hi-tech,” Thijs Biersteker of Moore told Dezeen. “If you approach the book, the face-recognition system picks up your face and starts scanning it for signs of ‘judgement’.”

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