
Designing complete plumbing system of a building in Revit MEP (Project)

In this video, Paul Muhindi will show you the step-by-step method of designing the entire plumbing system of a building right from scratch. This is...

You should know this about AutoCAD

In this video, I have shared a quick method of adding a synonym list and common typos for AutoCAD commands. source

Should you learn one or several CAD software?

Free AutoCAD essentials course: https://sourcecad.com/courses/autocad-essentials-course/ Free SolidWorks essentials course: https://sourcecad.com/courses/solidworks-essentials-course/ Free Fusion essentials course: https://sourcecad.com/courses/fusion-360-essentials/ In this video I have answered a question that I often get...

3 AutoCAD features I use almost daily #autocad

Here are three extremely common yet useful features that I use almost every day. source

Complete Autodesk Inventor course for beginners

In this video, you will learn the step-by-step method of using Autodesk Inventor right from scratch. Get free Autodesk Inventor essentials course along with certificate...

Will AI replace CAD professionals job?

In this video, I have explored the possibility of AI replacing the jobs of CAD professionals. I have also shared my take on why AI...

AutoCAD Layout, Printing and Scale – Live session

In this session, you will learn all about printing and plotting tools of AutoCAD, including settings, proper scales, and layouts. source

Making a floor plan in AutoCAD right from scratch

In this video, you will learn the step-by-step method of making a floor plan in AutoCAD using a reference image right from scratch. Signup for...

How to import Google maps into Revit as 3D texture map

In this video, you will learn a smart method of importing a 3D textured map from Google Earth to Revit. Sign up for the free...