Suprastudio Greg Lynn Film

Fascinated by the future of bringing robots to the scale of buildings, UCLA graduate students led by world-renowned designer Greg Lynn with Walt Disney Imagineering, explore these possibilities in the new video Suprastudio Greg Lynn.

Lynn, a UCLA professor of architecture and urban design, and a team of experts from Imagineering, together with other industry leaders, directed 14 exemplary graduate students as they research the history, design and fabrication technologies of theme parks and resorts — as well as where the future of media rich environments is heading.

The project, last year’s UCLA Architecture and Urban Design Master of Architecture II program, also known as a Suprastudio, was a yearlong studio course designed to examine the impact of new manufacturing and digital technologies from the aerospace, naval, automotive, defense and entertainment industries on architectural form, theme park and resort experience.

Lynn, a world leader in computer-aided architectural design, was named a 2010 United States Artist Fellow and the 2008 Golden Lion award at the 11th International Venice Biennale of Architecture.

Walt Disney Imagineering is the unique, innovative organization that creates — from concept through construction — all Disney theme parks, resorts, attractions, cruise ships, real estate developments and regional entertainment venues worldwide. Imagineering’s unique strength comes from the teamwork and syntheses of creative and technical professionals representing more than 140 diverse disciplines.

Because California has the largest concentration of high-technology industries in the world and is a global center for entertainment and animation, the Suprastudio also focused on the use of new digital tools, design mediums using animation, robotics, and the spatial, formal and material expression of Southern California popular cultures.


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