Science and a Quest for the Courteous City: Mind, body, urban space & their interaction researched.

An ideasSpace presentation with Professor Nick Tyler University College London.

From the Savannah to Copenhagen, to Medellin; from tube trains and vehicle highways to jazz; from rubberised walkways to the effects of dementia on perception.

Understanding what we as human beings need to feel comfortable in a space and what we want to be happy is vital to creating successful places, but how do we know what success looks like until it’s too late?

Professor Nick Tyler is the Director of the UCL Centre for Transport Studies and Chadwick Professor of Civil Engineering. His work at the new UCL research facility, PEARL aims to identify projects that make the world more sympathetic to people’s needs. This unique facility provides a massive space in which to create life-sized environments under controlled conditions, showcasing how people interact with their environments.

We speak to Nick about how we shape environments that work for us as human beings – acknowledging our biological past as well as our modern aspirations – informed by neuroscience, research and compassion.

ideasSPACE is a collaboration between the Urban Design Group, Urban Nous and Christopher Martin of Urban Movement.


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