reSITE 2017: In/visible City

Discover the In/visible City at reSITE 2017 in Prague
June 21-24, Forum Karlin, Prague

reSITE will be the center of the architecture world in Europe. Meet one of the most respected architects in the world, Kazuyo Sejima, from Tokyo-based SANAA, and the Deputy Mayor of Paris, Jean-Louis Missika, announced among keynote speakers. The upcoming sixth annual architecture and urbanism event with aims to improve the urban environment will focus on how the invisible shapes the visible in cities across the globe. reSITE will explore everything that makes a city functional; features that drive the economy and consume a consequent part of municipal budgets despite being invisible – such as technical infrastructure like water and underground mobility. The architect and professor Teddy Cruz with Fonna Forman (Estudio Teddy Cruz + Forman); landscape architect Kathryn Gustafson; global urban lighting leader and NighSeeing™ founder, Leni Schwendinger; and Duch architect from UN Studio, Caroline Bos, are listed among 40 global thought leaders to speak in June in Prague.

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reSITE is an international nonprofit platform based in Prague. We work at the intersection of architecture, urbanism, politics, culture, and economics. We act as a catalyst for social action and innovative leadership.

We encourage an exchange of ideas about making cities more livable, competitive and resilient. We protect and promote public space, architecture, and sustainable development in cities.

Why? To stimulate action for sustainable urban design and therefore better cities. We stand for public space.

Director: Jakub Jirásek | Black Pearl Label
Camera: Filip Rejč
Editor: Filip Rejč
Art Director: Zuzana Lednická / Studio Najbrt
Concept: Radka Ondráčková
Animation: Zdeněk Tinkewitz / Studio Najbrt
Graphics: Andrea Vacovská / Studio Najbrt
Special Effects: Magic Lab
With kind support of Prague transportation company (Dopravní podnik hl. města Prahy) and JCDecaux

(c) reSITE 2017


reSITE je nezisková organizace, jež působí na pomezí urbanismu, architektury, politiky, kultury a ekonomiky ve světě stále rostoucích měst.

Naší misí je vytvářet města příjemná k životu pro příští generaci. Jsme katalyzátorem společenských inovací. Jako mezinárodní platforma podporujeme výměnu a sdílení nápadů a řešení, jak vytvářet odolná a konkurenceschopná města pro 21. století.

reSITE propojuje odborníky, samosprávy měst, širokou veřejnost a tvůrčí profese nad otázkami designu, financí a udržitelného rozvoje měst.

reSITE podněcuje udržitelný urbanismus s cílem vytvořit lepší a konkurenceschopná města. Veřejný prostor nám leží na srdci.


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