Rebecca Taylor: “Hinge”

Graduate student Rebecca Taylor created the video “Hinge” for ARC3033 — a Master of Architecture course taught by Professor John Shnier in the fall of 2013. The course, entitled “Piranesi and The Modern: Moving and Still: The Ecstasy of The Fragment and Triumph of the Imagination,” explored the idea that space is both stable and fluid. Students were challenged to pursue this idea through film and still images. The final projects were then showcased in an exhibition, screening and discussion with established artists and filmmakers.

Writes Rebecca:

“The architectural model was the starting point of this filmic exploration. The model, as a point of departure into a space of dissollution, seemed particularly fitting, as a model is an entirely contrived space, a space of non-scale and non-site – it presents a space for imagination.

The filming and editing process became an experiment in molding space, expanding it through cues of light and shadow, creating the element of surprise through illusion and distortion.

A series of perspectival spaces became the subjects of the film, ones that are understood to be still and mundane in everyday life but through techniques of animation, color, light and contrast, a world of excitement and suspense emerged.

Here, there is a distortion of an existing language, a bending, and unveiling, and an endless return to that original language. This twisting turns the reassuring stability of the spaces inside out. It turns the impersonal into the personal hinging you between what is and what could be …”

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