rAADio Season 2 Intro: Dissecting Conformity in Architectural Practice

In this second season of rAADio, we want to open the conversation about the expectations of architectural practice in academia and the workplace to show that a non conforming practice has many faces, and can be enacted in many ways. We centered the season around 3 questions:

Do we need to be sleep deprived to produce good architecture?
Do we really need to accept precariousness to be a good architect?
Do we need to build at all to be an architect?

Our best hope is to begin to expose how we play a part in the networks that exploit our bodies, our labor, and our resources in order to fulfill the expectations of an increasingly demanding world.

Season 2 of rAADio is produced by Aahana Banker, Daniela Beraún, Rocio Crosetto Brizzio, León Duval, Dhruva Lakshminarayanan, Malavika Madhuraj and Hein Song.

This episode of rAADio was brought you by:
Max Lauter: Director and Creative Producer, Sound Design
Alex Hamadey: Sound Designer & Composer, Lead Audio Engineer
Anthony Sertel Dean: Recording Audio Engineer

Source by Columbia GSAPP

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