rAADio Episode 009: Misfits in Practice: Part 2

What makes an architect an architect? What are architects without buildings? The third episode of this season, “Misfits in Practice,” is conceived around the question: Do we really need to build to be an architect?

In Part 2, we discuss what might be role of the architect beyond the building. We explore some examples of architects rising above conventional architectural practice and finding success in other fields, while using the skills developed in architecture as a crucial edge.

Season 2 of rAADio is produced by Aahana Banker, Daniela Beraún, Rocio Crosetto Brizzio, León Duval, Dhruva Lakshminarayanan, Malavika Madhuraj and Hein Song.

This episode of rAADio was brought you by:
Max Lauter: Director and Creative Producer, Sound Design
Alex Hamadey: Sound Designer & Composer, Lead Audio Engineer
Anthony Sertel Dean: Recording Audio Engineer

Source by Columbia GSAPP

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