rAADio Episode 008: Misfits in Practice: Part 1

What makes an architect an architect? What are architects without buildings? The third episode of this season, “Misfits in Practice,” is conceived around the question: Do we really need to build to be an architect?

In Part 1, we talk about the “paper architects” that left a mark in the field, images as tools, and the long lasting debate about architects being generalists or specialists.

Season 2 of rAADio is produced by Aahana Banker, Daniela Beraún, Rocio Crosetto Brizzio, León Duval, Dhruva Lakshminarayanan, Malavika Madhuraj and Hein Song.

This episode of rAADio was brought you by:
Max Lauter: Director and Creative Producer, Sound Design
Alex Hamadey: Sound Designer & Composer, Lead Audio Engineer
Anthony Sertel Dean: Recording Audio Engineer

Source by Columbia GSAPP

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