Photoshop Daily Creative Challenge – Color A Painting

CHALLENGE: Bring a grayscale painting to life by adding color using blending modes, color theory, and adjustment layers.
Get your starter files here:

Join your host Sam Peterson each morning at 9:00am PT to learn how to approach each challenge using Photoshop. Complete 9 challenges by Friday, February 11th, and you’ll be on your way to sharpening your skills. Get your questions answered, see what the community is creating and get feedback on your work!

To sign up and get started, go to:

Join us LIVE on Behance:

00:00 Start
05:29 Colorize – getting a base color
07:08 Gradient Maps
11:12 Value checking – viewing grayscale
13:51 Color Layer Blend Mode
19:03 Adding more saturation to the painting
20:14 Overlay Layer Blend Mode
24:19 Recap


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