New headquarter of Bank of Georgia: Illuminated translucent concrete for interior design

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Press kit - Press release - New headquarter of Bank of Georgia: Illuminated translucent concrete for interior design - LUCEM GmbH

New headquarter of Bank of Georgia: Illuminated translucent concrete for interior design

Neuenrade, Germany


Renovation of a building listed as national monument under preservation order.

Neuenrade, Germany, 2012-04-22 –

The idea of light and nature showing through a building was the fundamental concept of redesigning the headquarter of Bank of Georgia, Tbilisi. Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright and Glenn Murcutt already had this idea in their minds as well as OMA, Office for Metropolitan Architecture Beijing, the architectural department of Rem Kolhaas architects in Rotterdam, for the high-class project „The Interlace“ in Singapore. This idea was leading for renovation of the building in Georgia since 2007 listed as national monument under preservation order – to be finished in spring 2011. A great and extraordinary office building was created: Incorporating nature in the whole interior design in forms of light. The architects of AG&P have realized a special highlight by using illuminated translucent concrete.

The office building is characterized by an amazing architecture and has been the headquarter of the Georgian ministry for highway eingineering before becoming headquarter of Bank of Georgia, Tbilisi, with a total area of 10.960 square meters. It consists of five horizontal two-storied building parts which are arranged like stacks. Due to the raised fundament, the whole landscape and also a small stream can merge in the building.

Originally, the building was design in 1975 by the architects George Tschachawa and Zurab Dschalagonia. Main concept of the design was the so called room city: By raising the fundament, the space under the building was left for nature. Opened and lighted rooms between each part of the building – similiar as in a forest – should show the light through and strenghten the physical comfort of each user.

In 2007, the building was listed as a national monument under preservation order. In 2010, the board of Bank of Georgia decided to renovate the derelict building as their headquarter. AG&P, Architectural Group and Partner LTD, Tbilisi, was charged with the entire planning. 2010-2011 the whole building was redeveloped and rebuilt. The ambitious and young team of architects went back to the main architectural idea to show nature and light through the building. Due to this, they installed LUCEM light transmitting concrete. Thousands of embedded optical fibers are channelling the light through the translucent concrete of wall and counter claddings. Walls, walks, receptions, offices and consultation desks are shinning and glowing from within.

Altogether, 300 square meters of LUCEM light transmitting concrete were used in different sections of the new headquarter of Bank of Georgia. The walk-in cube in the tellers‘ office at the ground floor lobby is extraordinary impressive. It is lined totally with white LUCEM LINE panels. The corridors and the reception hall in the asset management department are not any less spectacular as the wall parts. The ceiling was clad with translucent concrete. LUCEM LINE injects a lightness and transparency into otherwise massive or even thight walls. The light transmitting concrete panels used for walls, ceilings and counters, were produced in Germany by LUCEM GmbH in a patented industrial production process. Embedded optical fibers are channelling the light through the panels and LUCEM also supplies a sophisticated mounting system with highly efficient LED-panels as light source.

Client: Bank of Georgia
Architects: Architectural Group & Partners, Tbilisi
Year: 2011
Material: LUCEM LINE
Format: 120 x 60 cm
Thickness: 15 mm
Quantity: 300 sqm
Mounting system: KEIL undercut anchors, Nauth rail system
Lighting: Fluorecent tubes

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Press kit | 964-01 - Press release | New headquarter of Bank of Georgia: Illuminated translucent concrete for interior design - LUCEM GmbH - Lighting Design - Photo credit: Lucem GmbH

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