Michael Silver – Embodied Patterns: Technology Needs Architecture

Lecture date: 2009-03-10

Embodied Patterns: Technology Needs Architecture: MP3’s, Supercomputers and Fiber Placed Composites

Michael Silver addresses new research into contemporary technologies and their effect on architecture. His lecture attempts to push the boundaries of theory and practice through the application of new materials, computer codes and methods of fabrication. He explores the shift from the appropriation of software to the creation of homemade tools, and investigates the implications of increasing speed and power in the move towards supercomputing. In order to promote socially responsible research, the project as a whole examines these systems in relationship to a sustainable design process.

Michael Silver is a LeFevre 29 Research Fellow at Knowlton School of Architecture in Ohio, and Sanders Fellow at University of Michigan. He was Director of Digital Media at Yale and has taught at Harvard. He directs a multidisciplinary design laboratory in New York and continues research in digital mapping, advanced composite manufacturing and software development. He is author of Pamphlet Architecture #19 Reading / Drawing / Building, ADs Mapping in the Age of Digital Media and Programming Cultures.Part of the ‘Embodied Patterns’ Lecture Series.


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