Meet the RIBA China Member – Chen Xiong

As part of the celebration of RIBA China Architect 100, the Royal Institute of British Architects invites you to meet our members. Ten Chinese architects reveal their most recent projects, why they joined the RIBA, and discuss various topics relating to architecture.

Chen Xiong, director, deputy general manager and chief architect of Guangdong Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd (GDAD) shares his recent project Shenzhen Airport Satellite Concourse. He also talks about his vision of sharing the design practice of Lingnan architecture with architects from other parts of the world, and learning from them to further refine his design practice in the field through RIBA’s platform.

The RIBA China Architect 100 programme, launched in June 2020, invites Chinese architects to become part of RIBA’s global community by having their projects showcased online. The first RIBA China Architect 100 digital guide revealed outstanding projects from 100 Chinese architects.

To learn more about the RIBA China Architect 100 programme or download the publication, please visit:



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