KANVA wins the City of Montréal’s competition ‘Vivre le Chantier Sainte-Cath!’ to animate the construction site

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Press kit - Press release - KANVA wins the City of Montréal’s competition ‘Vivre le Chantier Sainte-Cath!’ to animate the construction site - KANVA

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KANVA wins the City of Montréal’s competition ‘Vivre le Chantier Sainte-Cath!’ to animate the construction site

Montréal, Canada


Montréal, Canada, 2016-09-28 –

IMAGO is the winning entry of the City of Montreal’s two-phase competition entitled ‘Vivre le chantier Sainte-Cath!’. St. Catherine Street, an important commercial artery in downtown Montreal is undergoing a four-year infrastructure improvement plan along several blocks, including underground infrastructure upgrades, incorporation of new public transit systems and increasing pedestrian sidewalk area and access. The project seeks to ameliorate the streetscape’s overall appeal, improve its functioning and promote economic growth over the long term. During the construction different segments of the street will be closed to car traffic, however pedestrian traffic and access to all stores will remain functioning. It is inevitable that this period of transformation will have an impact on people’s daily routine and the operation of the city.


The competition therefore seeks creative solutions to minimize the negative impacts of an on-going construction site. The competitors were asked to address the following: change the users’ perception of the work, create an innovative urban experience within the work site, direct the flow of people, reduce disruptions associated with the work, disseminate information regarding the work and its progress and finally, inform users of future developments.


Inspired by a theme of natural sciences and the transformation of an organism from its embryonic state to its final stage, imago, the project proposes a series of temporary biomorphic inflatable structures to shelter, protect, animate, articulate and live the construction site of Sainte-Cath. Through its scale, fluid form and aesthetic purity, IMAGO unfolds with great contrast to its urban environment and the repair work below or beside. IMAGO offers a strong and bold visual identity to reinforce St. Catherine Street’s iconic status in Montreal and beyond.


The intervention consists of a series of modular catenary arches, each composed of an inflatable structure anchored to an approved concrete construction fence. IMAGO adapts to the construction site in several ways depending on the work being performed. When roadway work is occurring, IMAGO spans overtop of the construction site, bringing light and ventilation to the construction site, and guiding pedestrians as they move through the site. When work is being performed along the sidewalks, IMAGO shelters and accompanies pedestrians who now occupy the street, animating their journey through the site or to the different businesses via bridges that overlook the repair work below. The street becomes an immersive environment that can become a gathering point for ephemeral events. Each arch is hinged at the top to allow lateral movement to overlap the work; moving wider when the work is occurring along the street, and narrower when the work is occurring along sidewalks. In all scenarios IMAGO becomes the interface between pedestrians and the construction site.


IMAGO’s light, yet robust design is inspired by the physiology of a butterfly wing; many delicate intermediary members create a strong, yet flexible structure. The diagonal members create diamond voids, some of which are filled with historic images that narrate the evolution of St. Catherine Street and the constant transformation of the city across different epochs. Each historical image is demarcated by a blue filter that remains transparent; the street beyond can still be deciphered chronicling the past and present simultaneously. Where there are no images, the voids create natural ventilation through IMAGO.


The simplicity and modularity of the installation offers a flexibility and versatility both in terms of its sprawling, caterpillar-like nature and ability to adapt to different site conditions. The modules are erected gradually by attaching one to another growing until IMAGO covers the extent of the work being performed. The modularity of IMAGO makes each component affordable; the number of units can be easily multiplied based on the budget. Since the main material is air, the modules can be handled easily and stored in a fraction of their original volume.


IMAGO offers a poetic and versatile strategy in response to the numerous challenges of a construction site. It is a graceful intervention, a distinct insertion that offers users the delicateness of nature in the city.  The intervention possesses a great potential to be used as an identity tool, communication tool, operational tool, and experiential tool to re-imagine the construction site.


KANVA’s work elicits an experience, a memory, a reaction., KANVA is the Montreal multidisciplinary collective led by Tudor Radulescu (OAQ LEED PA MRAIC) and Rami Bebawi (OAQ MRAIC RBQ whose work is at the forefront of thinking, imagining, drawing and constructing. Its big ideas, gestures and approach to contemporary issues have gained local, national and international attention. With over ten years of experience designing a range of project types, including student housing, large-scale public art installations, mixed-use buildings, corporate and public spaces, KANVA treats each project as an opportunity to transform the built environment through story-telling. Recipients of numerous awards and recognitions, its team consistently demonstrates architecture’s transformative power through a range of disciplines and scales, from the ephemeral to the institutional.

About the Bureau du design

The mission of the Ville de Montréal’s Bureau du design is to develop the market for, and promote the talents of, Montréal-based designers and architects by advocating processes that call for public commissions, such as design and architecture competitions. The UNESCO Creative Cities Network, of which Montréal is a member as a City of Design, comprises 116 cities in 54 countries and enables creative practitioners in member cities to share experiences, best practices and knowledge on an international scale.


Client: City of Montreal

Architects: KANVA

Structural Engineers: Blackwell

Civil Engineering: Alta Construction

Branding: Bruce Mau Design

Lighting Consultant: Lightfactor

Team of experts on Montreal History: Paul-André Linteau, Susan Bronson, Gabrielle Mathieu

To read the City of Montreal’s Press Release:

Montréal mandate Kanva architecture pour mettre en valeur le chantier de la rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest


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Media contact

  • Rami Bebawi, Architect OAQ MRAIC
  • rb@kanva.ca
  • 514-844-9779

Press kit | 1057-07 - Press release | KANVA wins the City of Montréal’s competition ‘Vivre le Chantier Sainte-Cath!’ to animate the construction site - KANVA - Competition - IMAGO - Photo credit: KANVA


Photo credit:

Press kit | 1057-07 - Press release | KANVA wins the City of Montréal’s competition ‘Vivre le Chantier Sainte-Cath!’ to animate the construction site - KANVA - Competition - IMAGO - Photo credit: KANVA


Photo credit:

Press kit | 1057-07 - Press release | KANVA wins the City of Montréal’s competition ‘Vivre le Chantier Sainte-Cath!’ to animate the construction site - KANVA - Competition - IMAGO - Photo credit: KANVA


Photo credit:

Press kit | 1057-07 - Press release | KANVA wins the City of Montréal’s competition ‘Vivre le Chantier Sainte-Cath!’ to animate the construction site - KANVA - Competition - IMAGO - Photo credit: KANVA


Photo credit:

Press kit | 1057-07 - Press release | KANVA wins the City of Montréal’s competition ‘Vivre le Chantier Sainte-Cath!’ to animate the construction site - KANVA - Competition - IMAGO - Photo credit: KANVA


Photo credit:

Press kit | 1057-07 - Press release | KANVA wins the City of Montréal’s competition ‘Vivre le Chantier Sainte-Cath!’ to animate the construction site - KANVA - Competition - IMAGO - Photo credit: KANVA


Photo credit:

Press kit | 1057-07 - Press release | KANVA wins the City of Montréal’s competition ‘Vivre le Chantier Sainte-Cath!’ to animate the construction site - KANVA - Competition - IMAGO - Photo credit: KANVA


Photo credit:

Press kit | 1057-07 - Press release | KANVA wins the City of Montréal’s competition ‘Vivre le Chantier Sainte-Cath!’ to animate the construction site - KANVA - Competition - IMAGO - Photo credit: KANVA


Photo credit:

Press kit | 1057-07 - Press release | KANVA wins the City of Montréal’s competition ‘Vivre le Chantier Sainte-Cath!’ to animate the construction site - KANVA - Competition - Tryptic - Photo credit: KANVA


Photo credit:

Press kit | 1057-07 - Press release | KANVA wins the City of Montréal’s competition ‘Vivre le Chantier Sainte-Cath!’ to animate the construction site - KANVA - Competition - Sections - Photo credit: KANVA


Photo credit:

Press kit | 1057-07 - Press release | KANVA wins the City of Montréal’s competition ‘Vivre le Chantier Sainte-Cath!’ to animate the construction site - KANVA - Competition - Modules - Photo credit: KANVA


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Press kit | 1057-07 - Press release | KANVA wins the City of Montréal’s competition ‘Vivre le Chantier Sainte-Cath!’ to animate the construction site - KANVA - Competition - Sequence of work - Photo credit: KANVA

Sequence of work

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