Jarvis Cocker and Chilly Gonzales soundtrack a portrait of one of England's grandest country houses

Set in an unspoilt Derbyshire valley, surrounded by wild moorland, Chatsworth House is a treasure trove of artwork and interesting objects.

This short film, made by long-time NOWNESS collaborator Victoria Hely-Hutchinson, depicts rooms and objects from the Chatsworth collections – the marble sculpture gallery glowing with candles as it would’ve appeared to a dinner guest in the 1850s; bedrooms where Dickens and Freud slept; Henry Cavendish’s notes on the mass of the Earth; Deborah Mitford’s dragonfly brooch, designed to tremble in the wind. All of this is intercut with signs of the natural world and of life and decay – caterpillars, butterflies, honey, cucumbers, grapes, and of course the famous gardens, full of poppies and wildflowers… read more on www.nowness.com

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