Marrikka Trotter begins the conversation by asking Walead Beshty his impressions, after teaching last term, of the role of art at SCI-Arc. Beshty describes...
Marrikka Trotter, K. Michael Hays, Kristy Balliet, and Amanda Lawrence discuss their experience of the 2019 thesis weekend from their standpoint as jurors.
Peter Trummer describes in detail the ideas and process of behind “Zero Piranesi,” his recent work re-creating Piranesi’s 1762 imaginary plan of the Campus...
Marrikka Trotter begins by describing her current work on shape as a precognitive experience. Sanford Kwinter responds, and their ensuing conversation touches on Gestalt...
13 architects, curators, historians and theorists share their thoughts on the status of architecture and new forms of alternative practice. 13 Ways of Thinking...
Sanford Kwinter proposes that the difference between his and Trotter’s approach could be summarized as the difference between accounting for dissonance and registering remote...
Jeffrey Kipnis and Marrikka Trotter debate the role of history and theory at SCI-Arc, and in the discipline of architecture. Kipnis is doubtful, but...