Adobe XD Masterclass: Episode 84

Join Adobe XD Evangelist Howard Pinsky as he walks you through tips & tricks to get you designing!

00:00 Start
02:54 Starting design – how to get ideas for projects
07:55 Cosmetic app design – working with the typface
10:57 Adding icons – manipulating size – Icons 4 Design
14:25 Additional icons – user icons
17:08 Using stacks w/groups
18:47 Header copy and description – typeface choices
22:06 Serif vs. Sans Serif for display fonts
23:37 Adding a button – call to action
28:09 Explore more button
32:22 Adding images & patterns to the landing page
33:25 Using repeat grids to make patterns
39:57 Product carousel – adding icons
45:16 Adding another product w/ dissolve
48:35 Adding a video within a mask – including it in the carousel
51:30 Working with scrolling to add additional content


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