A.UD Lecture Series 2015-16: Sylvia Lavin

Monday, May 23, 2016
Decafe, Perloff Hall

Sylvia Lavin
Professor, UCLA Architecture and Urban Design; Director Critical Studies and M.A./Ph.D. programs, UCLA Architecture and Urban Design

Introduction and conversation with Neil Denari, Professor, UCLA Architecture and Urban Design

Sylvia Lavin is an internationally known critic, historian, and curator whose work explores the limits of architecture across a wide spectrum of historical periods. Her most recent books include Kissing Architecture, published by Princeton University Press in 2011 and The Flash in the Pan and Other Forms of Architectural Contemporaneity,forthcoming. She the curator of Everything Loose Will Land, a large-scale exhibition focusing on the intersections between art and architecture in Los Angeles during the 1970s. Her next exhibition, Creative Spaces, explores the relationship between architecture and the radical redefinitions of creativity that have taken place since the advent of computing. She is currently the Director of the Critical Studies and M.A./Ph.D. programs in the Department of Architecture and Urban Design at UCLA, where she was Chairperson from 1996 to 2006, and The Curatorial Project, a collaborative design and research group that supports the critical engagement with experimental architecture in the public realm. Ms. Lavin has taught at Princeton, Harvard, Columbia and numerous other institutions and has been recognized by many grants and awards, most recently from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, the Getty Research Institute, and the Graham Foundation.

50 Years of Advancing Design, Technology, and Culture
During its 50-year history, UCLA Architecture and Urban Design has been an innovator in identifying what architects are taught. From the invention of 3D computer programs; to the integration of sustainability in a design curriculum; to the incorporation of large scale CNC robotics in a school of architecture in the world; the Department has critically defined the topics, curriculum, and knowledge necessary to keep its graduates relevant in a changing world. During 2015-16 we will celebrate our 50th year by honoring the Department’s faculty and their many innovations and accomplishments with a series of presentations and conversations.


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