A Letter from Yene | Manthia Diawara | Trailer

‘A Letter from Yene’ is a film by Manthia Diawara which follows encounters between fishermen, pebble collectors and Diawara himself.

A changing coastline, a deprived sea, disappearing rituals and new professions emerging out of the climate emergency form the film’s landscape, set in the seaside town of Yene, Senegal.

Join us for the international premiere and a conversation between the artist and Hans Ulrich Obrist on Thursday 21 July.

Book tickets here: https://www.serpentinegalleries.org/whats-on/manthia-diawara-a-letter-from-yene/

Commissioned by Serpentine, MUBI and PCAI Polygreen Culture & Art Initiative as part of Back to Earth.

Presented in collaboration with Institut français du Royaume-Uni.



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