7 Tips to Create Game-Changing Content for Your Business

Why is video content crucial for your business’ success? Why should you start content marketing today? Why doesn’t advertising work anymore?

Ted talks about the importance of video for any business and how it was one of the biggest things that made Aputure succeed. In his presentation, he shares 7 key tips to start creating effective content marketing. He also shares quick easy tips that any business owner can start implementing to make better videos today.

📗On the stream, Chris recommended Seth Godin’s book “This is Marketing”: https://amzn.to/2ujggli

1:00 – You are not better than Content
2:30 – Tip 1: Stop selling your sh*t! Stop advertising.
4:40 – Focus on providing value.
5:15 – Tip 2: There is more than one way to make content. Creation vs. Collaborate vs. Curation.
9:30 – Make your social media channel a destination.
10:00 – You don’t need a lot of gear to make content.
13:00 – Tip 3: Consistency (and the different types of consistency).
15:00 – Make sure the subjects you’re making content on is consistent.
16:00 – It helps if you’re making content for you (and people like you).
17:00 – Tip 4: PERSONALITY FIRST. Give 110%
20:00 – Tip 5: Stop being so serious.
21:45 – Tip 6: Simple production tips. Soft light. Eye light. Dark background. Decorate your “set.” Personality.
25:00 – Tip 7: Stop the Nefarious Mentality. focus on making stuff that makes you happy. Don’t fool yourself, and don’t fool others.
30:00 – How do you go from being behind the camera to being in FRONT of the camera? Don’t do it to be famous.
32:30 – Let go of the facade of how you want people to see you. Be yourself.
35:00 – How do you convince your company to make content? They’re stuck on advertising.
40:30 – Consistency: What if you get bored on one subject? What if you like a lot of things? How do you focus?
45:00 – If you start making content around what you do, you get many opportunities.
47:00 – Who can speak faster – Ted Sim, or Matthew Workman?
50:00 – How do you do “curation” properly? Most people just steal and don’t credit. How do you curate ethically?
52:30 – What is the next disruptor in video and film making? Cinema Glass/Lenses. Motion Control. Content Marketing.
56:00 – You don’t need good gear to make good content. How do you get started?
1:01:00 – Show recap.

About The Guest
Ted Sim is the Host and Executive Producer of Indy Mogul, the Webby-award winning filmmaking channel with 1 million+ subscribers. As both a creator and entrepreneur, he is passionate about not only education but also helping other creatives succeed. His company Aputure is the fastest growing cinema lighting company and gives indie filmmakers worldwide the chance to compete regardless of their budget.



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Host– Chris Do
Content Director– Matthew Encina
Cinematography– Aaron Szekely, Mark Contreras, Ricky Lucas
Live Editor– Jona Garcia
Editor– Stewart Schuster, Mark Contreras, Aaron Szekely, Ricky Lucas, Jona Garcia
Social Team: Elle Money, Alex Burlui
Futur Theme Music – Adam Sanborne http://www.adamsanborne.com
Typefaces: Futura, DIN, Helvetica Neue, Calibre
Futur theme song— Adam Sanborne


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