Eric Owen Moss: Recollecting forward (November 12, 1997)

Michael Pinto performs an extended Eric Owen Moss impersonation, which is received with laughter and applause.

Michael Rotondi introduces Moss more conventionally.

Moss explains that his work is attempting to discover a lyrical quality in design and construction. Moss wants to create the mythical “fiery serpent,” full of associations and tensions arising from elements that go together but should not.

Moss discusses the difference between seeing and understanding, illustrating his remarks with his projects, including several of his urban projects such as Jefferson Towers. He relates the towers to a exhibition at the Wexner Art Center.

Moss describes the execution of his large scale projects. He stresses the idea of capturing time, but not still time. He closes by insisting that architecture both “stands for all time” and “transcends the concept of time.”



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