Richard Schulman: Portraits Of The New Architecture 2 (October 30, 2015)

Richard Schulman outlines his background. After a stint with Julius Schulman in the late 1970s, he pursued portrait photography, specializing in artists. It wasn’t until the late 1980s that he began to systematically photograph architects and their buildings. Schulman cites as mentors Julius Schulman, Gordon Parks, André Kertész, and Andreas Feininger–but he notes as more important images from movies that have inspired him: Red Desert, Touch of Evil, Manhattan, 2001: a Space Odyssey, Night of the Hunter, and Blade Runner. Schulman stresses the importance of his explorations on foot of cities and streets. Before approaching a building, he attempts to understand the distinctive light of the place. This investigative approach leads to the discovery of unexpected angles. He illustrates this with work, much of it from his latest monograph, Portraits Of The New Architecture 2. Schulman defines his task as “finding the personality in the building,” or, even more fundamentally, “chasing the light.”



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