X-Cities 2: My Life Inside Big Data


On Tuesday, March 20, Studio-X was excited to welcome back Fast Company’s Greg Lindsay and the Institute for the Future’s Anthony Townsend for the second in a series of events casting a much-needed critical eye on “smart city” hype.

In the past decade we’ve cycled from an Orwellian response to 9/11, locking down public data access, to an open data movement that promises to transform government. In both cases cities have been at the nexus of discussion and policy. Now we are on the precipice of another shift in the data landscape with the emergence of pervasive real time sensors, arriving in the form of mobile devices.
Special guest Sean Gorman, founder of GeoIQ, covers his voyage through these shifts – from navigating the threat of university collected open data being classified by the government, to starting an open data crowdsourcing site funded by the government, and then to trading beer for data in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. What kinds of scenarios will the new streams of data emerging from mobile devices and social media create, and what will their impact be on the city?

Sean Gorman is the founder of GeoIQ, a collaborative web platform for geographic data analysis. Previously he was in academia as a research professor at George Mason University and before that a graduate student at the University of Florida. In between he worked for startups in the DC area building online communities, providing Geo-IP location, and mapping telecom infrastructure.


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