
Concrete Dreams: The Rise and Fall of Cumbernauld Town Centre. An Urban Design Group Presentation.

00:00:00 – Introduction by Robert Huxford Director of the Urban Design Group. 00:00:49 - Photographer and Film Maker Chris Leslie 00:12:35 – Excerpt from a film...

Successful public participation in architecture, planning & regeneration: Scarborough’s Renaissance.

Charles Campion jtp architects, masterplanners, community planners and Nick Taylor, Tanick Consultancy. Charles Campion is a partner at JTP architects, masterplanners & community planners, in charge...

Ebbsfleet, a new garden city: Design Management in Delivery. An Urban Design Group Presentation.

Simon Harrison is Head of Design and Lead on Sustainability at Ebbsfleet Development Corporation. Simon describes the implementation of sustainable travel, Fastrack boulevards, parks, housing,...

Ebbsfleet: Delivering a 21st century healthy garden city. A strategic approach to placemaking.

Kevin Mcgeough is Head of Strategy and Placemaking at Ebbsfleet Development corporation. This is a presentation from the National Urban Design Conference 2024: Towards a...

Turning sustainable drainage systems into quality public realm. An Urban Design Group Presentation.

Will Hudson is Principal Civil Engineer at Jubb, Plymouth. Jubb is a Director-owned business with a multi-disciplinary team of engineers and planning design consultants. This is...

Delivering quality housing and placemaking: The role of the public sector. A UDG presentation.

Joe Wharton is Assistant Director, South West, for the Markets, Partners and Places directorate at Homes England Homes England is the government's housing and regeneration...

Digital twins and urban planning: inclusive engagement. An Urban Design Group Presentation.

Matt Rain is Managing Director at Digital Urban. "We develop digital twins and immersive experiences to help people visualise places and spaces Digital twins are an...

Footflow: Forecasting pedestrian activity. An Urban Design Group presentation.

Martin Wedderburn is an Independent Consultant at Wedderburn Transport Planning Ltd. He has experience in transport planning, policy and analysis, covering both multi-modal transport planning...

Caerphilly Town 2035: Delivering the Placemaking Plan.

Paul Seaver is Associate Director, Head of Masterplanning and Urban Design at Stride Treglown. Stride Treglown is an employee owned architectural practice and a Certified...