TagsCity Beautiful

Why U.S. Roads are Spaced One Mile Apart

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Did Seattle Build the Best Pedestrian Bridge Ever?

Seattle's new Overlook Walk is an impressive connection between Pike Place Market and its revitalized waterfront. Is this pedestrian bridge worth the $70 million...

Can Trains Save Seattle?

Subscribe to Nebula at: https://go.nebula.tv/citybeautiful Watch this video on Nebula: https://nebula.tv/videos/citybeautiful-can-trains-save-seattle Seattle passed Sound Transit 3, an ambitious plan to build new frequent transit routes and...

Why Dallas Is Growing Insanely Fast

Ready to enhance your public transport planning? Sign up for a free demo of PTV Lines and get personalized consulting from one of our...

Should Cities Ban Drive Thrus?

Visit: https://aap.cornell.edu/JoinCRP to sign up for an info session. Learn more about getting a Bachelor's or Master's degree from Cornell University's Department of City...

Rome’s Geography, Explained

Compare news coverage from diverse sources around the world on a transparent platform driven by data. Try Ground News today and get 40% off...

Is San Francisco’s New Transit Center a Waste?

Subscribe to Nebula and get $20 off at: https://go.nebula.tv/citybeautiful Watch this video on Nebula: https://nebula.tv/videos/citybeautiful-is-san-franciscos-new-transit-center-worth-it San Francisco opened the Salesforce Transit Center in 2019, and currently...

Kyoto’s Geography, Explained

Compare news coverage from diverse sources around the world on a transparent platform driven by data. Try Ground News today and get 40% off...

Why is Shibuya Crossing the Busiest in the World?

Subscribe to Nebula and get $20 off at: https://go.nebula.tv/citybeautiful Watch this video on Nebula: https://nebula.tv/videos/citybeautiful-why-is-shibuya-crossing-the-busiest-in-the-world Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo is considered the busiest pedestrian intersection in...