Sergio Rodrigues’ Brazil at Il Milione Gallery

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Press kit - Press release - Sergio Rodrigues' Brazil at  Il Milione Gallery - LinBrasil

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Sergio Rodrigues’ Brazil at Il Milione Gallery

Milano, Italy


The first Brazilian, international designer

Curitiba, Brazil, 2016-03-21 –

A selection of iconic and modernist furniture of the versatile Brazilian architect and designer Sergio Rodrigues (1927-2014) will be presented in Milan during the Fuorisalone 2016. 


Sergio Rodrigues had the privilege to begin his professional career during the golden age of Brazilian modernist architecture and to be familiar with Oscar Niemeyer, Lúcio Costa and Sergio Bernardes. Graduated as an architect in 1951, by the “Faculdade Nacional de Arquitetura” (National School of Architecture) in Rio de Janeiro, he accompanied the renovation of urban aesthetics, highlighted by the construction of Brasilia. He realized that the interior spaces of modern architecture demanded a furniture different from the far-fetched colonial style, and furthermore, wanted to evade the standing stick legs or “modern Bauhaus” that prevailed at the time.


Driven by his intuitive trait and by the love for wood, he began creating furniture adapted to the Brazilian climate and culture, and building up an identity of his own in furniture pieces, essentially based upon the use of rosewood, straw and leather.


In 1957, commissioned by fashion photographer Otto Stupakoff, who wanted for his studio, a sofa where he could plummet like a sultan, he created the sofa “Mole”, with thick spindle-shaped legs, adjustable leather straps and a large upholstered cushion on top. The piece of furniture anticipated the trend of bulky seats, emblematic of the 60s, such as the “Sacco”, 1969. In 1961, he received the first prize in the “IV Concorso International Del Mobile” in Cantu, Italy. The jury’s opinion stated: “The only model with current features, despite the structure with conventional treatment, not influenced by fad and absolutely representative of the region of origin.” The armchair “Mole” was produced and exported to several countries by the Isa Industry, of Bergamo, Italy, with the name of “Sheriff”.


According to historian and critic Adelia Borges, “Sergio Rodrigues over the years has been consistent with his creation, he has spent decades without faltering under the difficulties faced when Brazilian design was not yet valued. He knew how to pursue his main objective: the gestation of modern Brazilian furniture, furthering the language and refining the trait”. In six decades of activity he created more than 1,200 pieces, many unique, made by hand, especially for his architectural projects.


In 2002, he summarized his genius with the “Diz“ armchair, extremely comfortable, made of wood and with a simplicity achieved only by the masters.


LinBrasil was established in 2001 as a licensed publisher of the Sergio Rodrigues furniture line and has since dedicated to publicize his work in Brazil and in the world.



by LinBrasil

Dates & times: 13 April to 17 April – from 10am to 9pm

Press Day: Tuesday 12 April – 10am to 7pm

Where: Il Milione Gallery

Address: Via Pietro Maroncelli, 7, 20154 Milan


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Press kit | 2060-01 - Press release | Sergio Rodrigues' Brazil at  Il Milione Gallery - LinBrasil - Product -  'Mole' Armchair - LinBrasil

‘Mole’ Armchair – LinBrasil


2.9 MB

Press kit | 2060-01 - Press release | Sergio Rodrigues' Brazil at  Il Milione Gallery - LinBrasil - Product - 'Diz' Armchair - LinBrasil

‘Diz’ Armchair – LinBrasil


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‘Diz’ Armchair – LinBrasil

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