Saving Styles in SketchUp – SketchUp Quick Tips

In this SketchUp quick tip video, we talk about how to save custom styles for use in future models!

We’ve talked several times in the past about how styles work in SketchUp. Basically, styles are settings that you can adjust to change the way your model looks. Today, we’re going to talk about how to save a style to a custom location so that you can load it in future models.
This is a model I downloaded from the 3D warehouse – it’s called “Kitchen” by Shinnah.
As you can see, it’s a fairly detailed, decent looking model. What we’re going to do is adjust some of our style settings to get a different look, then save that style.
To start off, we’re going to create a new style by clicking on the “create new style” button in the styles section of our tray. We’ll go ahead and call this style Justin’s Sketch Style.
Now we’ll go in and adjust some of our settings.
I’m going for more of a hand drawn type look, so I’m going to turn the materials off, and adjust the line weight settings, adding some jitter and a bit of extension so that we get that kind of sketchy look. We may even add a bit of fog to liven it up a little bit.
Once I’ve gotten the style the way I want it, I’m going to update the style by clicking on the thumbnail in the upper right corner. This will save my changes to this particular style.
Then, I’m going to find the thumbnail for my style in the “in model” area of the styles section.
Right click on your thumbnail and select “Save as.”
Navigate to the location where you’d like to save your style. I’d recommend creating a folder for all of your different styles.
Once you’ve picked your location, click save to save your style in that location.
Now, whenever you open a new model, you can select that folder, and all the styles in that folder will show up in your thumbnails for quick and easy use!

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