RIBA Charles Jencks Award 2019 – Ensamble Studio

RIBA announced on Wednesday 18 September that Ensamble Studio, led by architects Débora Mesa and Antón García-Abril, would be granted the 2019 RIBA Charles Jencks Award.

The RIBA Charles Jencks Award was established with prize money awarded to Charles Jencks from the Nara Gold Medal, which he received in 1992.

Charles Jencks graciously donated this prize money to the RIBA to set up an endowment fund, the interest from which was initially used for an exchange programme between British and Japanese architects. In 2003, the remit of the fund was changed to create an annual award with a remit that has remained untouched since then: to reward an individual (or practice) that has recently made a major contribution simultaneously to the theory and practice of architecture.

In addition to prize money, the winner of the award delivers a lecture at the RIBA. Here, Lily Jencks and David Gloster, Director of Education at RIBA, introduce the 2019 winners, Ensamble Studio, as they deliver their winning lecture.

Find out more about the ​RIBA Charles Jencks Award here: https://www.architecture.com/awards-and-competitions-landing-page/awards/riba-charles-jencks-award



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