Pneumatic Pavilion

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Tectonic systems have consistently played an instrumental role in the development and implementation of new architectural ideas. With new technology comes new forms and better, stronger, smarter buildings. Stone, concrete, glass, and steel have each had a huge impact on how urban environments develop. In the current world, a static building system even as a symbol should produce flexible and adaptive solutions. Exploration in rational adaptability to object design through computational tools will began to speculate the advantages designing a responsive building. Thinking architecture in terms of “adaption” in an action-reaction fashion.

Fabric structures are perhaps one of the oldest tectonic systems. Yurts, tents, tepees have been the home to many nomadic populations for thousands of years. In the current global environment this system still has potential for the same reasons it was used, lightweight, transportable, available, inexpensive. Up to now fabric systems did not have the lifespan to use them on a large scale. With current technology a number of fabrics can withstand the elements as much as any cladding system. The challenge today would be making such a system scalable. Relief structures requiring a whole new assembly and manufacturing processes makes them much less economical. A new system would survive if it was applicable to a larger range of urban construction and assembly typologies.

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