A v2com exclusive
Paper Cloud
Studio 3A
Festival des Architectures Vives 2017
Shinjuku-ku, Japan, 2017-07-20 –
Paper Cloud elaborates a space of illusion and delusion.
This phenomenal environment is filled with light and shadow by reflecting various colours in different times. Visitors are responding to these sequential changes through the tactile sense. Their bodies are therefore linked to the space and become part of the installation.
Paper Cloud is composed of about 2,000 pieces of plastic laminated paper rings assembled without any bolts or glue but simply by slotting them into each other.
This simply assembled monochromatic paper structure contrasts with the massiveness of the stone pavement and walls in the courtyard. However, once stepping inside the installation, this cloud-like structure merges with light and its existence seems to disappear like bubbles.
This intangible experience provoked by the illusion of light and shadow awakes the visitor’s emotion.
Data Sheet
Location: Montpellier, France
Schedule: June 13, 2017 to June 18, 2017
Material: Laminated Paper
Structure: Paper Masonry
Size: 3mx3mx2.7m
About Studio 3A
Studio 3A is a collaboration unit of 3 architects from
Japan, Germany and Mexico identifying their own cultural backgrounds and sharing mutual awareness towards architecture and societies.
3A’s approach is to carry simultaneous investigation and study in macro / micro scale to understand its surrounding contexts and culture. Urban complexity of the site and the human factors in tangible materials are to be explored in various scales. They have developed series projects with the idea of Arts and Crafts embedded in the manufacturing processes by
adopting traditional craft technique and local materials.
Through these architectural interventions, sensitivity
towards the tactile qualities in architecture and materiality is fundamental.
Kazuya Katagiri
1981 – Born in Nagano, JAPAN
2004 – Bachelor of Engineering in Architecture, Kogakuin University, Tokyo
2007 – Master of Architecture, Illionois Institute of Technology, Chicago
2007 – Established Lopez_Katagiri ARCHITECTS, Mexico
2009 – Adjunct Instructor at University of Monterrey
2010 -14 Worked at Kengo Kuma & Associates
2014 – Established KAD | Katagiri Architecture+Design
2014 – Adjunct Instructor at Kogakuin University
2015 – Program Associate at The University of Tokyo Kuma Lab
Luis Lopez Resendez
1979 – Born in Reynosa, Mexico
2001 – Diploma in Architecture, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon
2006 – Internship at Krueck and Sexton, Chicago
2007 – Master of Architecture, Illionois Institute of Technology, Chicago
2007 – Established Lopez_Katagiri ARCHITECTS, Mexico
2009 – Adjunct Instructor at University of Monterrey
2011 – Established Lopez Resendez Studio, McAllen Texas
Marco Budeus
1977 – Born in Dortmund, Germany
2004 – Diploma in Architecture, University of Applied Science Dortmund
2005 – Taut-Scholarship, German Architecture Association,
2007 – Master of Architecture, Illionois Institute of Technology, Chicago
2007-09 Worked at Gensler, New York
2010 -14 Project architect at Stadtbildplanung Dortmund,
2014 – Project architect at NPS Tchoban Voss architects, Hamburg,
– 30 –
- Katagiri Architecture+Design
- Kazuya Katagiri
- katagiri@k-a-d.jp
- +818066072548
Studio 3A
Studio 3A
Studio 3A
Studio 3A
Studio 3A
Studio 3A
Studio 3A
Studio 3A
Studio 3AStudio 3A
Studio 3AStudio 3AStudio 3A
Studio 3A