Mareike Geiling & Jonas Kakoschke | reSITE Small Talks

Jonas Kakoschke and Mareike Geiling are Co-initiators of the organization Refugees Welcomes that addresses the problems of the housing situation and accommodations of refugees in Germany. They advocate that refugees should have the same rights as permanent residents, regardless of their reasoning for immigrating.

Mareike Geiling studied religion and culture studies in Berlin, Germany. Her involvement in various initiatives includes the problem of undocumented migrants in Berlin. In Fluchtlinge, Willkommen, Mareike directs the press and public relations. She is also a volunteers’ manager and is responsible for the planning and implementation of the internationalization of the project.

Jonas Kakoschke studied communication design in Berlin, Germany and during that time he founded the project, which has been praised nationally by the media. This led Kakoschke to focus in the field of social innovation and project development. In Fluchtlinge Willkommen Jonas is responsible for the management of the website, online team tools and the graphic and conceptual design of all documents. Together with Mareike Geiling he is carrying out the internationalization of the project. He also coordinates the cooperation with other initiatives and external partners.

reSITE is an international nonprofit platform based in Prague. We work at the intersection of architecture, urbanism, politics, culture, and economics. We act as a catalyst for social action and innovative leadership.

We encourage an exchange of ideas about making cities more livable, competitive and resilient. We protect and promote public space, architecture, and sustainable development in cities.

Why? To stimulate action for sustainable urban design and therefore better cities. We stand for public space.

reSITE je nezisková organizace, jež působí na pomezí urbanismu, architektury, politiky, kultury a ekonomiky ve světě stále rostoucích měst.

Naší misí je vytvářet města příjemná k životu pro příští generaci. Jsme katalyzátorem společenských inovací. Jako mezinárodní platforma podporujeme výměnu a sdílení nápadů a řešení, jak vytvářet odolná a konkurenceschopná města pro 21. století.

reSITE propojuje odborníky, samosprávy měst, širokou veřejnost a tvůrčí profese nad otázkami designu, financí a udržitelného rozvoje měst.

reSITE podněcuje udržitelný urbanismus s cílem vytvořit lepší a konkurenceschopná města. Veřejný prostor nám leží na srdci.


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