Kurenai Light Object by Ane Lykke | VDF x The Mindcraft Project

Ane Lykke’s Kurenai Light Object was crafted in a three-dimensional grid from cypress wood using the traditional Japanese woodworking technique Kumiko.

The designer fused traditional Japanese craftsmanship and a new Nordic perspective for the light, which combines the intangible – light – with elements of form and structure that generates an ever-changing experience.

“I am focusing on how I, through my work, can engage and touch people,” Lykke said. “My aim is to create a dialogue. A direct bodily connection with the surroundings. My work revolves around the interaction between light and layered structure. I am exploring different stages of light and perception.”

Read more on Dezeen: https://www.dezeen.com/2020/06/16/mindcraft-project-2020-danish-designers-digital-exhibition-vdf/

The Mindcraft Project 2020

Exhibition by Copenhagen Design Agency
Exhibition design and visuals by Wang & Söderström
Photography by Anders Sune Berg
Videos by Michael Sangkoyo Gramtorp




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