Joana Dabaj & Riccardo Conti | reSITE Small Talks

Joana Dabaj is the co-founder and principal coordinator at Catalytic Action (, a not-for-profit design studio based in London. She holds a BSc degree in Architecture from the American University of Beirut and a MSc degree in Building and Urban Design in Development from the University College of London (UCL). She has developed her experience around architecture, sustainable development, cultural heritage, migration and human rights in several countries including Lebanon, United Kingdom, Syria, Iraq, Greece, Cambodia, Brazil, Colombia and Thailand. Her recent projects involves working closely with communities following a “bottom up” design approach tackling specifically the refugee crisis and migration in the Middle East and Europe.

Riccardo is an architect and urban designer, director and co-founder of the not-for-profit design studio Catalytic Action ( His recent work focuses on tackling the refugee crisis in the Middle East and in Europe through spatial interventions. He has experience in research, design and planning in various countries such as Kenya, Cambodia, Italy, Germany, Poland and the UK. He holds an MSc from University College London (UCL) in Building and Urban Design in Development. In 2012 he co-founded the project “Mathare River” ( in Nairobi where he also worked as a researcher and field project manager for an international NGO. His design approach has always investigated various people-centered design approaches.

reSITE is an international nonprofit platform based in Prague. We work at the intersection of architecture, urbanism, politics, culture, and economics. We act as a catalyst for social action and innovative leadership.

We encourage an exchange of ideas about making cities more livable, competitive and resilient. We protect and promote public space, architecture, and sustainable development in cities.

Why? To stimulate action for sustainable urban design and therefore better cities. We stand for public space.

reSITE je nezisková organizace, jež působí na pomezí urbanismu, architektury, politiky, kultury a ekonomiky ve světě stále rostoucích měst.

Naší misí je vytvářet města příjemná k životu pro příští generaci. Jsme katalyzátorem společenských inovací. Jako mezinárodní platforma podporujeme výměnu a sdílení nápadů a řešení, jak vytvářet odolná a konkurenceschopná města pro 21. století.

reSITE propojuje odborníky, samosprávy měst, širokou veřejnost a tvůrčí profese nad otázkami designu, financí a udržitelného rozvoje měst.

reSITE podněcuje udržitelný urbanismus s cílem vytvořit lepší a konkurenceschopná města. Veřejný prostor nám leží na srdci.


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