Jennifer Bonner : A dollhouse with grilled cheese & other ideas for architecture (November 6, 2019)

After Hernan Diaz Alonso’s introduction, Jennifer Bonner discusses sandwiches, extrusions and how layers stack. The research of “Best Sandwiches” (2016) led to works such as the “Office stack” (2018) midrise office tower, which provide a multiplicity of elevations and orientations.

Bonner argues that the “Haus Gables” roof plan generated a volumetric interior. She describes how the house was assembled out of 87 panels of CNC-milled Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) in 14 days.

She discusses the range of faux finishes employed inside and out the house: glass microsphere faux brick exterior walls, faux and colored interior walls, various kinds of natural, vinyl and ceramic faux flooring.

She presents the finished house as viewed by three different photographers: Patrick Heagney, Timothy Hursley, NAARO.



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