How Small Should a Livable Apartment Be? Mimi Hoang at reSITE 2016

Mimi Hoang from nArchitects spoke at reSITE 2016 about micro-units and affordable housing.

Mimi Hoang shares her most recent architectural ambitions, developing Carmel Place micro-living apartments in New York City. She emphasize how small moves and small strategies can add up to a much larger impact on the urban environment. She also speaks on how she was able to transform the Chicago Pier into a welcoming public space for locals.

Mimi Hoang is a Co-founding Principal of New York-based nARCHITECTS with her partner Eric Bunge and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University. Mimi received a Master of Architecture from Harvard University and a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from M.I.T. Mimi has also taught at Yale University, Harvard University, and UC Berkeley.

reSITE is an international nonprofit platform based in Prague. We work at the intersection of architecture, urbanism, politics, culture, and economics. We act as a catalyst for social action and innovative leadership.

We encourage an exchange of ideas about making cities more livable, competitive and resilient. We protect and promote public space, architecture, and sustainable development in cities.

Why? To stimulate action for sustainable urban design and therefore better cities. We stand for public space.

reSITE je nezisková organizace, jež působí na pomezí urbanismu, architektury, politiky, kultury a ekonomiky ve světě stále rostoucích měst.

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reSITE propojuje odborníky, samosprávy měst, širokou veřejnost a tvůrčí profese nad otázkami designu, financí a udržitelného rozvoje měst.

reSITE podněcuje udržitelný urbanismus s cílem vytvořit lepší a konkurenceschopná města. Veřejný prostor nám leží na srdci.


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