A lecture by Felecia Davis.
Response by Laurie Hawkinson.
September 13, 2018
Felecia Davis is an Assistant Professor at the Stuckeman Center for Design and Computation in the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture at Penn State and is the director of SOFTLAB@PSU. She earned a PhD from the Design and Computation Group in the School of Architecture and Planning at MIT. She received her Master of Architecture from Princeton University, and her Bachelor of Science in Engineering from Tufts University. While at MIT she worked on a dissertation that develops computational textiles or textiles that respond to commands through computer programming, electronics and sensors for use in architecture. These responsive textiles used in lightweight shelters will transform how we communicate, socialize and use space. Felecia has lectured, taught workshops, published and exhibited her work in textiles, computation and architecture internationally, including the Swedish School of Textiles, Microsoft Research, and MIT’s Media Lab. She has taught architectural design for over 10 years at Cornell University, and taught design studios most recently at Princeton University, and the Cooper Union in New York.