FEAR AND WONDER: An Expedition through the Landscapes of Fiction

Our perception of the world is largely shaped through the mediums of fiction. Our political positions are informed by fake news, we live out our lives in the pixelated territories of video games and we escape into the pages of a novel or the flicker of the movie screen. In film, games and literature we have always imagined alternative worlds as a means to understand our own world in new ways. Sometimes moments, places or cities are best understood by examining the stories we construct about them.

Join an ensemble of directors, concept artists, video game designers and storytellers as we go on an expedition through an atlas of imaginary worlds, fictional cities and speculative geographies. This is a tour through landscapes for the projection of belief and disbelief, worlds of fear and wonder that are both thrilling and scary, necessary and urgent.

Curated by Liam Young, Architect/Director
SCI-Arc Fiction and Entertainment Postgrad Program

Cast in order of appearance:
Hannah Beachler, Production Designer (Black Panther, Moonlight)
Nivanh Chanthara, Concept Artist (Ghost in the Shell, Kin, Babiru)
Ane Crabtree, Costume Designer (Handmaid’s Tale, Westworld)
Lauren Beukes, Author (Broken Monsters, Zoo City)
Victor Martinez, Concept Artist (Blade Runner 2049)
Jimmi Simpson, Actor (Westworld, Black Mirror)
Patti Podesta, Production Designer (American Gods, Memento)
Rick Carter, Production Designer (Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Avatar)

Crew Credits –

Creator and Executive Producer – Hernan Diaz Alonso
Producers – Marcelyn Gow/Reza Monahan
Directors – Reza Monahan/Alexey Marfin
Director of Photography – Sean Morris
B Camera – Robert Moreno
C Camera – Alex Zarth
Grip and Electric – David “Gonzo” Gonzales
Sound Engineer – Chris Truman
V.O. Recording Engineers: Christina Nguyen/Phil Logan
Production Assistant – Michel Erler

Story Producers – Alexey Marfin/Reza Monahan
Editor/VFX Artist – Alexey Marfin
Sound Mixer – Christina Nguyen

“Post Drone” by Uuriter

All Additional Video and Images Courtesy of the Artists

©2018 SCI-Arc Channel


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