Design Workflow Pro-Tips in Adobe XD with Evan Place & Peter Deltondo – 1 of 2

Join UI/UX designers Evan Place and Peter Deltondo on Adobe Live as they design in Adobe XD! Evan will design a mobile user experience that utilizes the latest XD features including sharing and live prototyping.

Evan Place is UI/UX Designer and Animator at Unfold and is based in Lakefield, Minnesota:

Host Peter Deltondo is a Design Director & Product Designer at Unfold and is based in Irvine, California:

Join us LIVE on Behance:

7:30 Project overview
16:00 Work begins
29:00 Project inspiration
41:30 User experiences that have influenced Peter
44:30 Directing the user through the app
1:22:00 Sharing settings for your prototype project
1:25:00 XD Plugins


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