Why are Glass Buildings Bird Killers? (and how to stop it from happening)

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Work Cited:
[1] Hager, Stephen B., Heidi Trudell, Kelly J. Mckay, Stephanie M. Crandall, and Lance Mayer. “Bird Density and Mortality at Windows.” The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120, no. 3 (2008): 550-64. doi:10.1676/07-075.1.
[2] O’Connell, T. J. “Avian Window Strike Mortality at a Suburban Office Park.” Raven 72 (2), 2001, 141-49.
[3] “Bird Friendly Best Practices.” Bird Friendly Development Guidlines. July 2016. Accessed July 15, 2019. https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/8d1c-Bird-Friendly-Best-Practices-Glass.pdf.
[4] “Human Health.” International Dark-Sky Association. November 17, 2016. Accessed July 16, 2019. https://www.darksky.org/light-pollution/human-health/.
[5] Craig, Christopher, Bayne, and Erin. “A First Estimate for Canada of the Number of Birds Killed by Colliding with Building Windows.” Avian Conservation and Ecology. September 30, 2013. Accessed July 16, 2019. http://www.ace-eco.org/vol8/iss2/art6/.
[6] “A Million Birds Die in Toronto Every Year, and She’s Trying to save Them | CBC Radio.” CBC News. November 14, 2017. Accessed July 16, 2019. https://www.cbc.ca/radio/docproject/travel-disasters-1.4389603/a-million-birds-die-in-toronto-every-year-and-she-s-trying-to-save-them-1.4391137.
[7] “Protect Birds at Home.” FLAP. Accessed July 16, 2019. https://www.flap.org/residential_new.php.
[8] American Bird Conservancy. “Bird Friendly Building Design.” ABC Birds. April 2015. Accessed July 15, 2019. https://abcbirds.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Bird-friendly_Building_Guide_WEB.pdf.
[9] “World’s Population Increasingly Urban with More than Half Living in Urban Areas | UN DESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs.” United Nations. Accessed July 16, 2019. https://www.un.org/en/development/desa/news/population/world-urbanization-prospects-2014.html.

Untitled by Austin Marshall. CC BY 3.0. https://www.flickr.com/photos/oxtopus/3477072593/
Flaticon by Freepik. https://www.freepik.com/

Chill Urban by Frank Nora. Public Domain.

architecture, design, bird friendly design, windows, glass, sustainability, green design, sustainable design, light pollution, circadian rhythm, dead birds, dying birds, high rise buildings, toronto, migratory birds, hummingbirds, cardinals, songbirds, flyways, dotted glasses, bird proof windows, window coverings, window decals, energy efficiency


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