The Genotower 05

Special Mention
2006 Skyscraper Competition

Nicholas Pisca
United States

The Genotower 05
The Genotower 05

The Genotower05 was an investigation of the potential of 7+ dimensional digital space-time, established through an ever-changing search space which uses a stratification of sculpted numeric and geometric randomness in a resonant eugenic single-celled generative automaton. This stem-cell recursively duplicates, splits and mutates under multi-dimensional distortion. While self-mutilating to isolate regional topological growth, it eventually sheds aged generational cells and produces individualized but intelligent organs, situated in an overall organic structure on multiple transgenic levels. In other words, it was to grow intelligent vertically oriented organs in an intelligent transgenic body from identical digital stem cells, without linear array sets or post-processing.

When dealing with the antiquated topological organ assembly, which may be laterally-transgenic and operating to develop mutation on different affective and performative levels, it remains still a tapeworm, missing core elements of an architectonic assembly. This assembly establishes skin, interior conditions, and nascent organ development individualization, but it remains confined to the longitudinal direction prescribed in the geometry or number set. There is little opportunity to describe clear organ isolation nor to establish formal splitting and return, without disrupting the skin/scale membrane or interior network structure. The Genotower05 does not operate in this confined linear topological fashion. It grows, lives and dies from a cell that recursively develops in many directions to construct a body of living cells communicating with each other.

These systems were infused with the individual cellular locomotion, at first randomly, to allow for multi-celled formal arrangements. To better isolate future “heart” or “lung” or “nerve” cells, the initial stem-cell’s locomotion is allowed extreme degrees of freedom. As each generation progresses, the intermediate vector becomes more localized so that the cells remain near their cousins and siblings, not to cause intermingling of individual organs. Viewers should understand that this research is not trying to use a breeding algorithm to create complexity in a system that is actually asexual. There is no multi-partner reproduction and nor would this be plausible construct when dealing with zygotes. This process is not devising a speciation of organisms, but more contributing to a body through the individualization of organs but still assemble the whole on two+ scales of assembly.

During the research on the Genotower05, the Lo-Ill process became instilled with a global mutator. Similar to control DNA broadcasting chemical instructions to “unspecified” cell-types, this global modifier alters the children’s form subtly so that it is apparent that it is a descendent of the parent, but different. After defined generational development, organs emerge from “de-unspecializing” clusters as the deceased elements are projected into the vertical direction, in an operation comparable to how a nautilus fabricates a spiral shell. To instruct the cells to have a more intelligent mode of differentiation, one needs two types of mutation, global and regional. The “rand[$x]” work demonstrated how a single organ could maintain transgenic behavior from similar or identical lateral constructs, as long as the regional mutator was programmed to affect their form accordingly.

The Genotower 05
The Genotower 05 Board 1
The Genotower 05
The Genotower 05 Board 2

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